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Protector of the Sea

Friday, May 25, 2007

No Sleep Real Heat

It is beyond hot in this lovely city. Yesterday, we played at Fontana's in Chinatown with our good friends, Arbor Day. I was disappointed to learn their bass player, Joe Hasan, no longer has copies of his second comedy CD. His first CD is a Pash favorite. I wonder where that cd went...

Anyways, the show was great. We played to a good sized crowd. Two of my friends from college, Albert and Pat showed up. Hopefully I will get to see both of them again before we leave. James from the Gay Blades showed up. It is always a pleasure to be in his company. So handsome that one!

I had been planning on going to an after party all week but was bogged down with a migraine right before we played. It is my fault though - I didn't eat a proper lunch (the biggest migraine trigger in the world) and ate the raddest veggie dumplings for dinner. MSG always makes things worse.

Jon and I found free parking! Yesterday we paid $45 to park. The only catch with our spot was that we had to wait in the car from 9am - 10:30am to make sure cops didn't ticket us. While waiting in the car, we saw swarms of little children in red and blue shirts. It appeared to be the local schools' field day. So cute! It is gonna be a hot one but I have more shopping to do!

Hopefully Jon and I will watch Lost tonight. Thank you itunes!


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