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Protector of the Sea

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

My Year in Lists

Here are my favorite songs, albums and shows of this year. I don't listen to as many albums as I used to so that narrows that one a bit so there are a lot of good artists I left out. I tried not to repeat artists but in one case, it couldn't be avoided. All lists are in descending order. I am sure I will regret whatever I put up here in an hour.

My favorite albums of the decade will follow soon.

5. We Have Band-SXSW
4. Cymbals Eat Guitars-All four times I saw them
3. Dirty Projectors-SXSW
2. Gossip-930 Club
1. Phoneix-RNR Hotel;literally the best show I have ever been to

5. "Albatross, Albatross, Albatross" Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band
4. "You Got the Love" The XX cover/remix of Florence and the Machine
3. "Hazel" Junior Boys
2. "Marrow" St. Vincent
1. "1901" and "Lisztomania" Phoneix-I just couldn't decide between the two!!!

5. "EP" Discovery-This is some dancy shit!!!

4. "Fantasies" Metric-Finally a whole album of hits rather than a few decent singles

3. "S/T" Pains of Being Pure at Heart-Beautiful and noisy songs about youth and love

2. "Music for Men" Gossip-First off, the title is badass. Second off, the songs are badass

1. "Another City, Another Sorry" The Answering Machine-My new favorite band. Might make my favorite albums of the decade list. We'll see.