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Protector of the Sea

Sunday, September 28, 2008

George Washington Cares About Black People

Lissa and I went to Mount Vernon yesterday. My digital battery was dead so I took my Polaroid. Although I am sad to see Polaroid go, my Fuji Instax has way better colors so maybe it is for the best. Fun fact: GW was the only President during the time of slavery to free his slaves in his will.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Summer Highlights

As I am waving "hello" to fall, I wanted to wave "goodbye" to summer. Here are some pictures from a Nats game I went to with the fam. It was so hot that day, I got a tan line within the first 15 minutes. Nats lost I think. I can't really remember- this was a few months ago.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dog Swim

Here is Dottie swimming at my neighborhood dog swim. She really didn't like it at all.